Stay Clear of These Three Mistakes During Mattress Removal in Vancouver

Thankfully, you don't buy a mattress every day. But what happens to the old one once you've found a new one that works best for you?

Being large and unwieldy, mattresses removal in Vancouver can be stressful, and most of the time, people go about it incorrectly.

This blog lists three mistakes to avoid during mattress removal in Vancouver, BC.

Ripping your mattress apart

Tearing up an old mattress is an extremely risky way of mattress removal in Vancouver. Many parts of mattresses, such as the springs and wires, can potentially hurt you physically if you are not careful.

Dumping in a street or alley

Mattresses on the ground are ideal breeding grounds for rodents and other pests; hence it is against the environmental rules and regulations to dump them in a street or alley. Furthermore, it might be against the law to do that, resulting in a fine.

Burning the mattress

Burning an old mattress is risky (fires can quickly get out of control), but it is also against the law in some places.

When a mattress is burned, chemicals that are fire resistant may be present that are released into the air.

These chemicals are persistent and could pose a risk to both you and the environment.

Final thoughts

If you don't know the right way of mattress removal in Vancouver, BC, and want to avoid making any mistakes in the process, you should always call a team of professionals. Junkyard Angel can help remove mattresses and all types of unwanted junk from your house and property.

To know more about Emergency Junk Removal In Vancouver please visit our website:


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