Four Adverse Effects Of Improper Junk Removal

The advancement in technology has thought us various ways of dealing with garbage, yet we still live in a world that is filled with it. The main reason why garbage lingers for years is improper waste removal practices. Poor waste management may seem like an easy option, but it is followed by some adverse effects on the planet. Let see what those are: 1- Extreme climate change: Decomposing waste produces Nitrous oxide, CO2, methane, and water vapor. These greenhouse gases rise in the atmosphere and trap the heat, leading to an extreme change in the climate. 2- Contamination of water, soil, and air: Even though a few things are recycled in the landfill, the remaining waste is left to rot. That means the hazardous chemicals exerting from these remaining wastes can mix with the soil, air, and nearby water body. 3- Impact on human health: One can easily find cheap junk removal in Vancouver. But, there are many people who avoid such options and go for poor self-waste m...